Born in 1998, Adrien Bernet is a young French jazz drummer. He began the drums at the age of 4 in the HSMA school network, where he obtained the "Excellence" diploma during the rest of his career. Quickly, he studied piano and classical music to enrich his artistic education.
At the age of 15, he entered the Dijon Conservatory in jazz drums, and devoted himself entirely to this style. It's a revelation for him. He is lucky to be able to spend many hours every day at the Conservatory, since his Technical Baccalaureate in Music and Dance (TMD) allows him to.
He finished his artistic studies by obtaining his DEM Jazz (Diploma of Musical Studies) at the National School of Music of Villeurbanne.
In 2021, during the health crisis, Adrien is undergoing training in cultural project management to enrich his knowledge in the music industry.
Active on the French stage, Adrien performs with his regular projects as well as a sideman. It also has the chance to happen occasionally on the Chilean stage. Throughout his career, he also received different honors during national and international competitions.
Finally, Adrien has the opportunity to record discs every year. Other Albums and EPs are being produced with his permanent projects...

2nd Prize
Grises - 2023
National Contest Un Doua De Jazz

Kling (extend-tet) - 2022
Jazz(s)RA "Emergence" device

Special Mention
Noé Sécula Trio - 2021
National Jazz à Vienne Competition
Jury's Favourite
Noé Sécula Trio - 2019
Franco-Swiss JazzContreBand Competition
Noé Sécula Trio - 2019
Le Periscope "TanDEM" device
2nd Prize
Nowhere Times 5tet - 2018
National Contest Un Doua De Jazz

1st Prize Trophy
Solo - 2017
Hohner Sonor Music Academy Competition

1st Prize Trophy
Solo - 2016
Hohner Sonor Music Academy National Final

Jazz-Rhone-Alpes - (05/10/24) 🇫🇷
Au fil de sept compositions originales finement ciselées, le jeune prodige laisse entrevoir un vrai sens de la composition. […]

La Montagne - (25/09/24) 🇫🇷
Le jeune batteur et compositeur de jazz originaire de Moulins, Adrien Bernet, va sortir son premier album, vendredi 4 octobre. […]

BATTERIE Magazine - (Sept.24) 🇫🇷
Article Spotlight - N°216, Sept.24
GuitarPart - (27/05/24) 🇫🇷
[…] lourdeur relevée par des incursions plus jazzy qui viennent souligner une maîtrise parfaite sans jamais passer la limite du démonstratif.

Metal Obs' - (22/05/24) 🇫🇷
Il est l’heure d’embarquer pour votre voyage musical aux confluences du jazz et du post metal ! [...]
Rock Hard - (17/05/24) 🇫🇷
[…] le tout porté par une batterie jazzy au jeu fin et particulièrement créatif.
Only available in paper magazine
Metal Epidemic - (14/05/24) 🇬🇧
[…] and that top-class drumming that has been present all the way through.
El Mercurio - (30/04/24) 🇨🇱
Adrien Bernet, el toque francés del baterista de jazz […]

Diario/Radio Universidad de Chile - (30/04/24) 🇨🇱
Su relación con el jazz arrancó casi sin buscarlo. Desde pequeño que Adrien Bernet comenzó a perfilarse como un prodigio de la música […] Desde entonces que viene sembrando una destacadísima carrera dentro del género, que hoy lo tienen en nuestro país como uno de los invitados estelares […]
Rockaxis - (17/04/24) 🇨🇱
En una década, acumuló nueve galardones en distintos países de Europa, que lo convirtió en uno de los más prolíficos y destacados músicos y compositores de la nueva escena del jazz europeo […]
Furia Jazz - (18/04/23) 🇨🇱
Jazz Francés en el Gran Santiago [...]
La Montagne - (24/08/18) 🇫🇷
Élève de la prestigieuse École nationale de musique de Villeurbannes, Adrien Bernet a 20 ans. […]
La Montagne - (01/07/13) 🇫🇷
Pour Adrien, ça ne fait pas un pli : « Je serai batteur professionnel ! Je rentre au conservatoire de Dijon en batterie jazz ». […]